Friday, May 22, 2009


I thought the book shattered was really boreing at first but as it got to the end it was okay. Personally I would never pick a book like that. I also didn't understand why the author would of pick the tittle, but as we got to the end I understood, that his life was shattered and never ever could anybody try to fix it, it's impossible. After reading Ian had changed so much , he went from a popular prep to someone who care. I think for him to see the other side of the fence was a good thing, because not everyone has the same life as he dose.

Friday, May 1, 2009


In Shattered one of the main characters is named Ian. Personally I don't think i would like Ian if he was a real person because, he seems like a Prep/ Jerk/"Popular". He acts like a jerk, because he has let it close to fail his civics course, he didn't think it was important, and all the popular guys who take it don't really think its important. I also think he could be very unfriendly to people beneath him.He carries on that he has money and expensive things.
However, I have sympathy for him about his parents, because they are never at home to spend time with him.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Mac and Ian have many different differences.
Mac comes from a poor family and has to work for everything he wants, however Mac just devotes his time to the soup kitchen. Mac lives at the soup kitchen, he has very little personal belongings and its a small living space. Mac has put all his time for the homeless people; he cooks for them gives them smokes and basically watches over them.
Ian is completely different from that, he is a very rich guy, his parents give him everything and anything. Ever since Ian was a baby his parents are rarely home so the have a nanny/ housekeeper who always have been there for him. when Ian turns 16 and passes civics class he will get a car maybe a beamer or something. But for that to happen he has to finish the 40 hours of community service.

Friday, April 3, 2009


picture form google.
My English class will be starting to read Shattered by: Eric Walters. My predictions for the book will be;

Just like any typical teenager hands everything for school late. Ian has a social studies project due and in order for him to get his credit for it he needs to do community services. Ian volunteers himself at "The Club" because he thinks its cool, turns out that "The Club" is a homeless soup kitchen. While going to his first shift he almost gets mugged, and he see this one man who pipe welds. The man had just returned form Rwanda as a peace keeper. I think that Ian will get his community services and pass the course with the help of the man, and he will be attached to the man. The man will have to return back to Rwanda and Ian will go with him. After awhile the man will get shot and Ian will be shattered, and when Ian returns home he will have a better opinion and view for his life. I think he will apperciate life, he will be able to think that life is better and be stronger.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Goonies

Pic from google
This movie is about a group of kids who are looking for treasure , with the map Mikey Walsh's Dad gave him. Mikey and his friends have to on an adventure to find it so Mikey doesn't have to move. His friends come across a bunch of criminals how want the treasure. In the end Mikey finds the Willy treasure and brings some jems so he no longer has to move

GHOST GIRL BY: Tonya Hurley

picture from google images.

Charlotte Usher is a normal average girl. Just like any other girl ,Charlotte has one wish , to fit in, but never seems to get that wish.

Just like any beginning school Charlotte is always prepared, just like all the rest of the kids. Today Charollette has a new attitude that " This is my year". So for Charlotte to get to that point she wants Damen Dylan to be her boyfriend. ( Damen is a very popular guy at his school, and is asscoitated with Petula) .She will try anything to get this .Even if she has to go through Petula Kensington, the most famous girl in school.

Her home room Mr. Widget ( Physics Teacher) has the "popular " kids in it like Petula and Demen. It's good for her that he is in the class, more time for them to get to know each other. When Charlotte get to her home room there's no sign of Damen, however a few minutes pass by and Damen arrives late, and good news for Charlotte, Damen is her lab partner for the year.

Have you ever noticed that popular and unpopular kids don't mix? Every day, there must be someone who wishes to be popular , fit in , make a friend or even be noticed. This is how Charlotte feels everyday. She hopes someone will notice her, but not like this happens because the popular kids cant and wont make a difference. I believe that everyone who isn't popular has wished that the were. It's just the popular kids dont want to lower their satus.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Doll.The Icon. The Legend. The Original Barbie.

Picture from google images.
After 5o years the Barbie Doll has became the most famous and popular doll in the wide world. Barbie first came out in the 1959 and it has continued to grow and develop new concepts and traditions.

The first Barbie came out in 60's, it had sleek hair and multi coloured clothes from the mod era. The Barbie went from elegant to twistin and turing. After that it set a new generation for the doll.

After the 60's the Barbie took new turns for the 70's doll. Barbie was now a Mailbu Barbie, it helped girls imagine a fun life under the sun. From tanning, white pearly teeth and straight blonde hair and pink sun glasses. The doll went under many changes before it came out.

In the 80's Barbie had a big style for fashion. She was big, and bold and even bodacious. She always during this time she rocked shoulder pads. She also came out with a band Barbie and The Rockers.

In the 90's barbie took the less is more approach. Her figure became more neater, she wore more neutral colours, and however her closet was will with many design labels such as Donna Karan,Christian Doir and Ralph Lauren.

Today's Barbie has became a little girl's fashion icon. She wears many mor lables like David Dixion. Barbie has came along way, she has her own Shoe line and body prouducts line also and even jewllery. Barbie's home a professional designer to all made by Glen Dixion.

It seems that Barbie will rule the future and many more decades to come. Maybe one day when the world is 2050 there might still be Barbie's ruling all little girls' dream to be like her.

I can remember when I was younger my sister and I would always play with them, in the cars, the doll house and dress up fashion show. I wonder what the Barbie will hold to the future to little girls. What ever it is it will be big, powerful and bold . It will still be a Doll. An Icon. A long Legend. And forever it will be The Original Barbie.